5 Ways to Have Fun and Go Broke – CreditGUARD.org

happy family walking in nature having fun for free


Having a good time doesn’t require that you have a pocket full of money. There are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself for free or for just a few bucks.

Visit state and national parks

The great outdoors. Going for a long walk in nature or attending a class at a state or national park probably won’t cost you more than the price of a cup of coffee. It’s a great way to spend the day with friends and family or on your own for some reflective solitude. Bring a lunch with you and save even more. If you’re looking for a great way to save on a short trip, consider camping out.


If you’re looking for a little adventure, try geocaching. It’s like a modern scavenger hunt. You can download a free app, and then, you’re off. Chances are, there are some geocaches in your neighborhood. It doesn’t cost anything, but be mindful that you should replenish caches that you take from. It doesn’t have to be much, but be respectful.

Meetup groups

If you’re hard up for cash but still want to hang out with like-minded people, check out meetup groups in your area. Usually, you can find them through Meetup.com or Facebook. It’s a great way to try something new and see some new faces.

Board games

Remember Monopoly? Sure, there are probably more exciting things to do than playing board games, but don’t let boredom get the best of you. Chances are, there are a few dusty boxes of games hiding in your closet. They’re lonely and ready to come out and play!

Potluck dinner party

Throw a potluck party. It’s a great way to save money, spend time with friends and try new dishes. You can combine the potluck dinner party and the board game idea for added value and added fun. Plus, you get to see another side of your friends when the land on your hotel at Park Place. Don’t let anybody lose their cool!

Focusing on your craft

Do you like to write or make arts and crafts? When was the last time you turned off the TV and focused on creating something? It may be tough at first, but this is a great way to spend time and invest in yourself without spending money.

Listening to the radio

Okay, yeah, this sounds pretty old-timey, but suspend your judgment for just a second. Podcasts are seeing their heyday right now. Some of these programs are just as compelling as TV shows, and they’re free. What’s not to love? It’s a great alternative to sitting in front of a screen, and you can enjoy it anywhere–in your living room, on the patio, or on the go. Whether you’re in the mood for comedy, great storytelling, or keeping up with current events, there’s something out there for you.

Streaming TV or movies

Streaming services aren’t free, but a large percentage of people subscribe to services like Netflix and Hulu. Rather than going out for a night on the town, opt for staying home and enjoying a dinner and a movie. If you’re really broke, you can always binge a season or two of your favorite show without leaving the house. You’ve already paid for it, so kick back and enjoy!

If you’re looking for more ways to save money and get ahead, visit CreditGUARD of America for more tips on budgeting, frugal living and for ways to get out of debt and on the road to financial freedom.