Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Finances

spring cleaning to save money

Ah, spring is finally here! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the pollen—well, let’s not mention the pollen. As spring is finally coming into bloom, getting your home in order is probably in the back of everyone’s mind. A thorough spring cleaning can help you spruce up your home can also give you an excuse to clean up your budget.

Here are five ways to start spring off right.

1. Start by Making a List and Making a Budget

Start spring off right by creating a list of the rooms you plan to clean and the items you plan to remove from the area, including personal belongings, decor and furniture in the space. While you’re making a list of the rooms you intend to spruce up, also make a budget of how you see your financial habits over the next few months. Note any bills and expenses you have coming up and look for potential holes in your spending.

Also Read: Household Budgeting Tips

2. Get Rid of Clutter, Make Money

Getting rid of clutter is one of the first steps to spring clean your home. In fact, it may even be a way to make money. Look around for unwanted and/or old items around the house. You can give them to charity, have a yard sale, or even sell your unwanted things online using a site like Decluttr. Make money while cleaning – what better incentive is there? And to think that some people think cleaning is boring…

3. Install Eco-Friendly Appliances

Installing Eco-friendly appliances is highly recommended if you have a budget for spring cleaning set aside. Eco-friendly appliances use less energy and are ultimately more cost-efficient. Not only can eco-friendly appliances help you save energy (and money), but they’re also, well, eco-friendly. One example is investing in energy efficient light bulbs. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have become incredibly popular due to their greater efficiency over standard bulbs. In fact, according to Energystar.gov, LED light bulbs “use about 75% less energy than a traditional light bulb and last 10 to 25 times longer.”

4. Go Paperless

In keeping with spring cleaning – and to piggyback off the eco-friendly train –save space and save time by deciding to go paperless this year. Cut back on the stacks and stacks of bills and receipts by relocating all your extra documents online. Check with your bank for paperless billing options and look to set up a pin and password online. In addition to going paperless, make sure you constantly review your bank statements to check for any possible discrepancies.

5. Go Through and Review Last Year’s Budget

Though it may be a bit painful, take the time to revisit last year’s financial ups and downs. Take a look at your major spends and see where the bulk of your money went. The best way to learn better money habits is through practice, so make sure you take the time to see where and how you can change this year’s budget.

The more proactive you are with your spring budget, the easier it is to ensure your finances are taken care of.