How to Save Money on Kitchen Remodeling

hands prepping raw meat in containers for meal prep
Lower You Weekly Grocery Bill and Save Money in the Kitchen with These Easy Tips

Your weekly trip to the grocery store is made challenging by crowded aisles, familial needs, and long lines. This necessary task is made even more stressful when the shockingly high final price appears on your receipt. After living expenses, food is one of the most substantial expenditures for the average family. Savvy shoppers already know basic tricks for saving through apps and coupons, but there is more you can do to spend less in each week. CreditGUARD has tips to help your debt reduction plan by saving money in the kitchen.

Meal Plan and Meal Prep

Preparation is a crucial component in saving money on your weekly grocery bill. Before your next trip to your local grocer, create a list of everything you’ll need for the next seven days. The items on the list shouldn’t be random, but instead ingredients for meals throughout the week. By shopping for meals instead of just groceries, you eliminate the purchase of items that stay unused in the back of your pantry. Many families that meal plan take it one step further with meal prep. This practice consists of measuring, chopping, and storing ingredients for all the week’s meals on a single day. This is useful because it helps combat lazily ordering takeout instead of cooking for yourself.

Buy in Bulk and Freeze

Warehouse stores, such as Costco and Sam’s Club, offer great deals through bulk purchases. For many smaller families, taking advantage of these significant savings become difficult when food begins to spoil before use. Bulk buying is made doable for families of all sizes with the simple act of freezing. Common everyday essentials such as meats, fruits, and vegetables can safely be stored for weeks. Be sure to label all frozen items with the date purchased. Freezing helps drastically elongate shelf life but doesn’t stop food from spoiling.

Embrace Leftovers

When you begin to calculate how many meals and snacks you eat in an average week, you’ll be surprised at how much you actually consume. Buying, organizing, and cooking for all these meals can quickly turn tedious and pricey. Leftovers may have a bad reputation, but they are a great way to save money and time. All you have to do is cook one portion more for dinner to keep for lunch the next day. This routine doesn’t have to become boring. Small tweaks can be made to make your meals exciting once again. For example: tonight’s chicken breast from an Italian dish can turn into tomorrow’s delicious sandwich with a few additions. Being creative will help you save money and eat well.  

Make Coffee at Home  

Coffee shops are a great environment to meet with friends, finish up work, and to buy a very expensive cup of coffee. Become your own barista and skip upcharge by making your coffee at home. Homebrewing doesn’t mean you need sacrifice taste. It’s easier than ever for you to purchase high-quality coffee beans and brewing equipment for your home. Don’t be fooled by fancy coffee gadgets, a great cup of coffee can be made with a simple-to-use french press. The secret is all in the beans. Great coffee can easily be found through online marketplaces. There may be an initial sticker shock compared to your average grocery store variety, but it’ll be a fraction of the cost paid per cup at a coffee shop.

Take Your First Steps Towards a Debt-Free Life  

Even with the best intentions to save money on your grocery bill, it’s easy to become overly reliant on credit cards. It’s even easier to fall into seemingly inescapable debt. Like many sufferers of debt know, living with harassing calls from debt collectors, a mountain of missed payments, and a plummeting credit score can create an unsatisfactory way of life. Let CreditGUARD help you turn your financial situation around. Our certified credit counselors will assist you in creating a brighter future through financial education and a personalized debt reduction program. Take your first steps towards a life without debt and call 800-500-6489 today.