Free Living Well Tips

Learning to live on a budget can involve some trial and error in the beginning while you are learning what practices work best for you. It’s important to remember that living a frugal lifestyle and meeting a monthly budget is more about living smarter than it is about constant sacrifice.

Let’s look at some tips for everyday living that won’t cost anything at all.

Love Your Local Library

Libraries are about a lot more than books these days. From publicly available computers to audiobooks and DVDs, there is something at the library for everyone. You can find video games and graphic novels or spend the afternoon going through old newspapers on microfiche. Whatever your favorite mode of entertainment, it can likely be found for free at your local library.

Libraries also often offer classes and workshops so you can develop a new skill or learn about a subject that interests you. Just be sure to return anything you check out before the due date!

Get Your Health in Check

Not only does getting healthy make you feel better, but it can also have a dramatic effect on your budget. Meeting those monthly budget goals will become easier as you improve your eating habits and spend more time exercising than eating out. Getting your brain and body in sync will go a long way toward making sound financial decisions.

You don’t need an expensive gym membership to get yourself healthy.

Simple exercise such as running or walking, push-ups and sit-ups are tried and true ways to take control of your fitness. Attention to diet will make the most difference in getting healthy, as well as meeting the monthly food budget.

*CreditGUARD doesn’t endorse a particular diet or exercise regimen – always consult your doctor before changing any health routines.

Keep it Clean

A clean home will help you stay calm and retain your focus. Spend some time each day straightening up and caring for your home. This will help you prevent issues before they arise, and lead to a general increase in your overall happiness. You will also save money on costly repairs due to lack of maintenance.

By removing the clutter that tends to build up throughout a busy day, you will be able to more easily keep an eye on the things that are important to you. Your electronics and personal space are more valuable than junk mail and old magazines. Keep what is important to you in good working order and save money in the long run.

Don’t Forget to Laugh!

If you are struggling with credit card debt it can sometimes lead to some very stressful situations and thought patterns. And when you are not at your best mentally, you may find yourself making less than stellar financial decisions to compensate for stressful feelings. Whether you have a pillow fight with your kids in the living room or spend time rolling around on the floor with the dog, don’t forget to spend part of your day giving yourself a break and cutting loose.

Let CreditGUARD Help

If you are struggling to meet monthly credit debt payments, CreditGUARD is here for you. Our certified credit counselors are ready to help you find the debt management program that is the best fit for your budget goals. Call today and find out how we can help!