After graduation, the strain of impending student loan payments can quickly catch up with you, especially if you already struggle to your existing financial obligations each month. Your credit score will take a beating if you allow yourself to fall too far behind on your debt payments, so it’s crucial to take control of your personal finances as quickly as possible. If you’re a recent grad, here are 5 resources to help boost your savings and set you up on a path to financial stability.
This interactive guide lets you explore different topics to get a real-world sense of how to budget and save. Essentials like buying car, investing in the stock market, buying a home and more are broken down by topic.
2. iGrad
This is a one-stop-shop for recent graduates. Here you can find relevant information on student loans, investing and smart spending. Plus, there’s even a jobs page where you can improve your job search by analyzing potential keywords within your resume.
DId you know there are other job-posting sites that cater specifically new graduates? Similar to LinkedIn, After College lets you connect with other graduates and search for a variety of entry-level jobs and internships. This site also lets you create your own unique profile to help set yourself apart.
4. Wise Bread New Graduate Help Center
Learn money-saving tips from the pros with Wise Bread’s New Graduates page. Choose from a variety of different articles with budgeting advice, savings tips and more. This site updates frequently, so be sure to check back often.
5. College Board’s Budget Worksheet for Graduates
One of the biggest things new graduates struggle with is properly budgeting. College Board’s Budgeting Sheet lays everything out for you, and it offers reasonable budgeting guidelines so you can get a feel for how much you should work to save. If you have trouble sticking to a budget, try this worksheet.
If you’re looking for information on student debt, be sure to check out our Student Loans section. Here you’ll find information on the different types of loans, budgeting advice and more.